Minggu, 04 November 2012

How Create a Better Blog for You

Have a better blog? It's all a newbie dream ....

Many people have tried blogging these days, in fact it is easy to do. Blogging in hot topic is deemed as crowded niche which mean you have to be decisive and proactive to have a good blog. Use the techniques and methods in this article to assist you in creating a better blog for you.

Make sure to divide your blog content with subheadings. This can make your readers return often, as they know that they will easily read the content. This basic step will make it easier for you to expand your blog content and take your blogging experience to the next level.

Strategically place some of relevant content up close to your page's link bar. Link bar levels are considered as hotspots. Best content to be put here are the number of subscribers you have and other interesting information there. Link bar is a good place to encourage visitors do what you want.
Make sure you are blogging for something you are passionate about. If you aren't passionate about your blog's topic, you are unlikely to post frequently enough, and you are also likely to neglect your blog's maintenance. This is a shortcut to a dead blog (it's something that you should not have as bloggers)

Try to utilize images within your contents. In some extend, pictures are more powerful than words; the old saying about pictures' worth compared to words proves it. Pictures can show proof and more explanation on what you are writing in your blog. Moreover it also grab readers attention. So, make sure to utilize images  in your blog.
Choose the right colors for your blog. Colors have particular role in making visitors stay on your blog. Some of colors are strong enough to be called influential colors. Make sure you choose the proper color to support your blog development.

Think about backlink. All the backlink your blog have will quickly increase your search engine ranking. The number of backlink will make search engines classify your blog as a quality resource, in results you will secure better rankings. When you have other blogs link to yours, it is named back linking. The more variety of backlinks are better than tons from one single site.

Don't forget Social networking sites. Such a sites offer endless possibilities for increasing visitors to your blog. Create a page on Facebook for your blog/website and then promote it to your relatives. Twitter are use to gain blog followers (this followers is your relative). Make sure to post frequent and relevant links to any particularly interesting blog posts. If used correctly, this not only can help you jump up the traffic but also build up a readership.

Blogging seem to be an easy feat, at first. Everyone can deliver their knowledge, opinions and experiences from blogs. 

These are great basic tips to start your blog. Once it's established you can start make money from blog or what ever you want from it. To do that, make sure you start with plans. 

Ready to have better blog? Find out more about blogging tips and experience in make money from blog by visiting notordinaryblogger.